Tag: beaches

Grave crisis de contaminación en las playas de Barcelona

Serious pollution crisis on Barcelona’s beaches

Barcelona’s beaches are facing a serious pollution crisis that threatens their marine ecosystem and the quality of life of their inhabitants. A study conducted by the Catalan Research Institute revealed that the…

En este verano no habrá lavapiés ni duchas en las playas para ahorrar agua

No footbaths or showers on the beaches this summer to save water

Barcelona’s metropolitan beaches will not have showers or footbaths this summer, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area Authority (AMB) has announced. This measure is implemented as part of the efforts to save water due…

31AMEn Cataluña: más de cien especies en peligro de extinción

In Catalonia: more than one hundred species in danger of extinction

A worrying report entitled “The State of Biodiversity in Spain”, in which the Barcelona Zoo Foundation has participated, reveals that Catalonia is home to more than 100 species of animals in serious…

Comenzaron los preparativos para la temporada alta de baño en Barcelona

Preparations for the high bathing season began in Barcelona

    With the arrival of good weather, the high bathing season on the beaches of Barcelona is approaching. From May 27 until September 11, 2023, the municipal services linked to Barcelona’s…

El festivo de Segunda Pascua en Badalona cambió de fecha en 2023

Second Easter holiday in Badalona changed date in 2023

Badalona is getting ready to celebrate a little known festivity called Second Easter. This holiday takes place 50 days after Easter Sunday and has a significant religious background. However, this year the…

En oleadas de calor se prohibirá trabajar al aire libre

During heat waves, outdoor work will be forbidden.

The Ministry of Labor seeks to amend the Occupational Risk Prevention Statute. The objective is to establish the prohibition of working outdoors during orange or red alerts of extreme heat issued by…