Tag: beaches

El Go Beach Club se engalana con la “pool party” de Throwback

Go Beach Club gets decked out for Throwback’s pool party

One of the most anticipated events in Barcelona is approaching, the “pool party” of Throwback that takes us back to the 80’s and 90’s to pay tribute to the greatest musical hits…

Inician los talleres itinerantes de adiestramiento canino en BCN

Itinerant dog training workshops begin in BCN

The Barcelona City Council has launched a new initiative to educate the city’s dogs. These are free dog training workshops that will be held in different districts of the city until November…

Se pone de moda practicar remo en Barcelona

Rowing becomes fashionable in Barcelona

Although it is still February and summer is not yet here, it is becoming fashionable to practice rowing in Barcelona. In fact, rowing clubs are doubling their enrollment rates in the last…

Barcelona afectada por la sequía: es una de las peores de su historia

Barcelona affected by drought: one of the worst in its history

Barcelona is facing the worst drought in 50 years in the Ter and Llobregat river basins that supply water to Barcelona and its metropolitan area. It is considered one of the worst…

Inició la construcción del Balcón Gastronómico del Port Olímpic

Construction of the Gastronomic Balcony of the Port Olímpic began

At the end of February, work began on the construction of the Gastronomic Balcony of the Olympic Port. Demolitions began in the Moll de Gregal and the progressive dismantling of former restaurant…

La supermanzana de Sant Antoni y el plan de mantenimiento integral

The superblock of Sant Antoni and the integral maintenance plan

The Barcelona City Council will soon complete the comprehensive repair of the vegetation and furniture of the superblock of Sant Antoni. The works include the recovery and cleaning of the damaged street…