Tag: beaches

Lights, music and color in Mar de llums de Nadal

Mar de llums de Nadal is the most beautiful light show that the Maritime Museum of Barcelona performs by the sea. An artistic show that integrates lights, sound, technology and live music.…

Alca, penguin-like bird, displaced to Mediterranean coasts

Displaced by Atlantic storms in countries and cities with Mediterranean coastline, including Barcelona, the unusual presence of Alca, a penguin-like bird, has been detected. Although these birds are very similar to penguins,…

100 areas in Barcelona to be designated as dog parks

Dogs will be able to run loose in the hundred or so spaces that will be set up as dog parks. The modification of the Ordinance for the keeping of animals was…

Sailing America’s Cup date confirmed: August 22, 2024

From all the beaches of Barcelona, the great event of the America’s Cup of Sailing, which will start on August 22, 2024, will be visible. Thanks to the speed of the work…

Barcelona’s heat says goodbye, the cold arrives

With a drastic drop in thermometers, temperatures in the city already reached minimum values even below 10 degrees Celsius last weekend, bringing the cold to the city. After the cold weekend, temperatures…

Pre-alert for pollution in the AMB deactivated

The precautionary pollution warning that had been in force in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, AMB, since October 19 due to the intrusion of dust from the Sahara, was deactivated at the…

Barcelona’s coastal beaches declared in critical condition

The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, AMB warned about the critical state of Barcelona’s coastal beaches in the metropolitan coastline due to the great loss of sand in recent years. In fact, studies…

World’s largest wooden sailboat arrives in Barcelona

The replica of Sweden’s Götheborg, the world’s largest wooden sailing ship (which sank in 1745), arrived in Barcelona. The best of all is that you will be able to enter it to…