Tag: beaches

Jornadas de puertas abiertas en el Puerto de Barcelona

Open days at the Port of Barcelona

The Port of Barcelona has always been a fundamental part of the city’s life. However, beyond simply being a point of entry and exit of goods, what do we really know about…

Barcelona en alerta por la invasión de "hormigas locas"

Barcelona on alert due to the invasion of “crazy ants”.

Barcelona is facing an unexpected but worrying invasion: the proliferation of the ant species known as Paratrechina longicornis, also nicknamed “crazy ants”. Despite previous efforts to eradicate them by 2022, recent sightings…

La marca de gafas Moscot de Nueva York llega a Barcelona

New York eyewear brand Moscot arrives in Barcelona

The renowned New York eyewear brand Moscot is ready to open its first store in Spain and has chosen Barcelona as its destination. With a history dating back to its founding in…