Tag: beaches

Disfruta el tiempo libre en vacaciones jugando juegos de mesa

Enjoy your free time on vacation playing board games

Vacations are a special time to relax, unwind and enjoy free time with friends and family playing fun board games. Whether at the beach, at the campsite or while waiting to board…

Se incrementa el número de casos de Covid en Cataluña

The number of Covid cases increases in Catalonia

Catalonia is once again at the crossroads of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a notable increase in the number of cases and hospitalizations. Despite advances in population immunization, SARS-CoV-2 remains an ongoing concern.…

Identifica las zonas de sombra con la App “Shadowmap”

Identify shaded areas with the “Shadowmap” App

The heat in Barcelona can be relentless and facing the scorching midday sun can be a challenge. However, for those brave enough to venture out into the streets, there is now a…

Ayuntamiento ofrece talleres gratuitos de educación canina

City Hall offers free canine education workshops

In a city where dogs are part of everyday life and coexistence between these animals and neighbors can be a challenge, the Barcelona City Council promotes free dog education workshops in different…

Escapa del calor en Barcelona sin salir de la ciudad

Escape the heat in Barcelona without leaving the city

Summer in the Catalan capital can be scorching, with the sun shining brightly and the heat lurking around every corner. However, for those who choose to stay in the city, there are…

En verano: campaña de donación de sangre en Castelldefels

In summer: blood donation campaign in Castelldefels

In the middle of the hot summer, an opportunity for solidarity arises that can make a difference in someone’s life: the blood donation campaign in Castelldefels, the picturesque town in Baix Llobregat.…

Se aceleran las obras para la Copa América de Vela

Construction work for the America’s Cup is speeding up

The prestigious America’s Cup sailing event is leaving its mark on the port of Barcelona, with a significant transformation in the Port Vell. With a year to go before the start of…

¿Dónde hace más calor en Barcelona?

Where is it warmer in Barcelona?

Barcelona, one of Spain’s most vibrant and visited cities, is experiencing a hot and dry summer. However, some neighborhoods are warmer than others. And it may be for several reasons: population density…