Tag: cultura

Profesionales catalanes hacen parte de la lista Forbes de los mejores médicos de España

Catalan professionals make Forbes list of Spain’s top doctors

The list of the 100 best doctors in Spain, according to Forbes, includes Catalan professionals in 13 of the 26 medical specialties in the ranking. For the sixth consecutive year, the magazine…

Campaña de TMB: prioridad de espacios reservados a personas que lo necesitan

TMB campaign: priority of reserved spaces for people in need of them

Under the slogan “On the bus and metro, give absolute priority to those who need it”, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, TMB, the Barcelona City Council and the Municipal Institute for People with…

Egipto y las momias en CaixaForum

Egypt and the mummies in CaixaForum

CaixaForum was invaded by Egypt and the mummies so you can spend a fun and terrifying evening next Friday, March 3, 2023. It will be a wonderful evening with a variety of…

Aumenta el número de habitantes en Barcelona

The number of inhabitants increases in Barcelona

Although the last two years reported a negative trend, 2022 was a year in which the number of inhabitants of Barcelona increased. The population of the Catalan capital increased in the last…

En medio de las obras en la vía Laietana encuentran tumba romana

Roman tomb found in the middle of the works in the Laietana Way

Since the renovation of the Via Laietana began, Roman and medieval archaeological remains have been appearing all the time. The most recent was a Roman tomb with an adult corpse. Specifically, the…