Tag: gastronomía

Sandwich Club Barcelona

The best 4 sandwich restaurants in Barcelona

We want to let you know the best sandwich restaurants in Barcelona, but specifically we need to highlight some types of sandwiches that are becoming quite popular in the city, those that…

Aunque con sequía, supermercados tendrán fruta local para la venta

Even with drought, supermarkets will have local fruit for sale

Although the drought is affecting agricultural production in Catalonia, supermarkets in the region say they will continue to offer local fruit to their customers. Although there are likely to be some changes…

¿Sabes cuáles son los hoteles más costosos de Cataluña?

Do you know which are the most expensive hotels in Catalonia?

There are some exclusive hotels that are among the most expensive in Catalonia according to the research group “luxuryhotel”. These establishments stand out for their attention to detail, first-class services and privileged…

Barcelona ciudad preferida para realizar congresos y convenciones

Barcelona preferred city for congresses and conventions

Barcelona continues to consolidate its position as a world leader in the organization of congresses and conventions. According to the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), the Catalan capital will host 135,000…

Los 4 mejores menús de mediodía de Barcelona

The 4 best lunch menus in Barcelona

The following menus are the perfect combination of quality, variety and price. Because if there is one thing we know for sure, it is that in Barcelona you can enjoy the best…

Vuelve la feria de las hierbas medicinales en Barcelona

The medicinal herbs fair returns to Barcelona

Barcelona is getting ready to celebrate once again the Sant Ponç Fair, one of the oldest and most traditional fairs in Catalonia, dedicated to medicinal herbs and culinary essences. This fair is…

ElBulli 1846: el legado de un restaurante convertido en museo

ElBulli 1846: el legado de un restaurante convertido en museo

ElBulli 1846, Ferran Adrià’s famous restaurant, closed its doors in 2011 after being recognised as one of the best restaurants in the world. Now, after more than a decade, it will reopen…

El chef Andrea Tumbarello abre un restaurante en Barcelona

Chef Andrea Tumbarello opens restaurant in Barcelona

Chef Andrea Tumbarello, who is originally from Sicily, has recently opened his restaurant Don Giovanni in Barcelona, specifically in the NH Stadium, right across the street from Camp Nou. There, all diners…