Tag: gastronomía

By Safe House: un nuevo club social en Barcelona

By Safe House: a new social club in Barcelona

Art, wine and business: this is the definition of By Safe House, the new social club in Barcelona that will be officially inaugurated on February 17, 2023. The initiative was the brainchild…

Así será la bienvenida al Año Nuevo Chino en Barcelona

How to welcome the Chinese New Year in Barcelona

From January 21, 2023, Barcelona will be filled with activities to welcome the Chinese New Year of the Water Rabbit. The Chinese yearbook is governed by the lunar calendar, so each year…

Supermarkets and phantom kitchens banned in Barcelona

Supermarkets and ghost kitchens will be closed in Barcelona. In short, product or food businesses that only offer delivery service and do not have a physical space to serve customers are prohibited.…

The Festa Major de Sant Antoni begins on January 13th.

Between Friday 13 and Sunday 22 January 2023, La Festa Major de Sant Antoni returns to Barcelona. Different activities, lots of partying and color. These will be magical days with theater, sports,…

Free plans, some not, for January 1, 2023 in Barcelona

After eating and spending, going from meal to meal and Christmas and New Year’s dinners, January 1, 2023 arrived. You will be thinking what else to do on this day, hopefully some…

Robots and Artificial Intelligence cook at a restaurant in Barcelona

The innovative proposal OMG, the first delivery where robots and Artificial Intelligence cook, has arrived in Barcelona. You can enjoy dishes prepared by robotic arms and other delicacies made in ovens controlled…

Tracatrá: the rumba restaurant in Barcelona

Live music, tapas and a variety of flowers and joy is what you can experience and enjoy in Tracatrá, the restaurant with more rumba essence in Barcelona. A lot of party and…

Aürt de Barcelona: voted the best hotel restaurant in Spain

Barcelona and gastronomy are the best duo that has brought great recognition to the city. On this occasion, Barcelona is home to the best hotel restaurant in Spain chosen at the World…

Pre-cooked fried eggs available at Mercadona

If you don’t like frying eggs, now in Mercadona for less than 2 euros you will have the solution. This is precooked fried eggs, an invention where the eggs are just cooked…