Tag: Las Ramblas

Barcelona experimenta en Poblenou con panots sostenibles

Barcelona experiments in Poblenou with sustainable panots

In an effort to move towards a more sustainable pavement, Barcelona will conduct tests of three types of new sustainable panots in the Poblenou district for one year. The project focuses on…

La reconversión de oficinas vacías en viviendas para solucionar su escasez en BCN

Conversion of vacant offices into housing to solve the shortage in BCN

The real estate market in large cities faces significant challenges, especially with regard to the lack of affordable housing. In Barcelona, housing prices have risen in the city center. This dynamic, combined…

El dilema de los coches gigantes en plazas de aparcamiento pequeñas en BCN

The dilemma of giant cars in small parking spaces in BCN

Have you ever arrived at a shopping mall or supermarket and wondered why the parking spaces are so small? The feeling that you can barely fit the car and that opening the…

El boom de ligar online: Barcelona se destaca en Tinder Passport

Online dating boom: Barcelona stands out on Tinder Passport

In the fast-paced world of online dating, Barcelona stands out as the most active Spanish city in the use of the premium Tinder Passport feature. According to the most recent data provided…

No a la Ampliación del Macba: vecinos del Raval

No to the Macba Expansion: Raval neighbors

One of the city’s cultural treasures is the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona, better known as the Macba. However, in recent years, the expansion of this museum has been the subject…