Tag: Las Ramblas

Festes de Sant Roc y Sant Gos y la 50ª fiesta de San Perro

Festes de Sant Roc and Sant Gos and the 50th San Perro Festival

While the neighborhoods of Gràcia and Sants prepare for celebrations full of music and creativity, in the Gòtic neighborhood an event that has a history going back centuries unfolds: the Festes de…

Dos nuevos eventos en Fira de Barcelona para 2025

Two new events at Fira de Barcelona for 2025

Fira de Barcelona, one of Europe’s most important trade fair institutions, has achieved a great feat by winning two new world-leading events in their respective sectors. These two professional trade shows, which…

Máquinas expendedoras de bocadillos se toman el metro y El Prat

Snack vending machines take over the subway and El Prat

Enrique Tomás, the renowned ham entrepreneur, has found a new growth vein in the vending sector. After the success of its business in airports, where it has sixty restaurants, it has decided…

¿Dónde hace más calor en Barcelona?

Where is it warmer in Barcelona?

Barcelona, one of Spain’s most vibrant and visited cities, is experiencing a hot and dry summer. However, some neighborhoods are warmer than others. And it may be for several reasons: population density…