Tag: Mediterráneo

Importantes hospitales de Barcelona dentro de los 30 mejores de España según Forbes

Major Barcelona hospitals ranked among the 30 best in Spain by Forbes

Forbes, the renowned international magazine, has released an exclusive list highlighting the 30 best hospitals in Spain in various medical and surgical specialties. This distinguished list includes important hospitals in Barcelona. The…

Barcelona Card Sea, una tarjeta temática que te acerca al mar

Barcelona Card Sea, a thematic card that brings you closer to the sea

Turisme de Barcelona has enthusiastically announced the creation of the “Barcelona Card Sea”, a thematic card designed to promote nautical and maritime activities, in an effort to bring the sea closer to…

'El Día del Canguro' en el Zoo de Barcelona, entradas gratis si vas con un niño

Kangaroo Day’ at Barcelona Zoo, free tickets if you go with a child

This year, in response to the challenge of the last two working days before the Christmas vacations, the Zoo has launched an innovative initiative called ‘Kangaroo Day’. The novel initiative includes free…