Tag: Mediterráneo

De 155 hoteles en los Juegos Olímpicos de BCN en 1992, a los 443 de la actualidad

From 155 hotels at the 1992 BCN Olympic Games to 443 hotels today

Barcelona has experienced a spectacular tourism boom in recent decades. From the 1992 Olympic Games to the present, the city has grown from 155 hotels to an impressive 443. This growth in…

Apellidos típicos de Cataluña podrían tener origen francés

Typical Catalan surnames may have French origins

Surnames are an essential part of our identity and a link to our family history. In Catalonia, surnames are of great importance and reflect a rich cultural and genealogical diversity. Although surnames…

Nerety, tienda efímera de moda emergente, llega a Barcelona

Nerety, ephemeral emerging fashion store, arrives in Barcelona

Discover Nerety, the revolutionary ephemeral store that promotes up-and-coming designers and brands in the fashion world. It is the best emerging fashion store that has arrived in Barcelona with a fresh and…

Barcelona: referente en el sector de la biotecnología internacional

Barcelona: a benchmark in the international biotechnology sector

Barcelona has consolidated its position as a benchmark in the international biotechnology sector. More and more biotech companies and startups are choosing the Catalan capital and its metropolitan area to develop their…