Tag: plazas

Barcelona se compromete con 200 viviendas de la SAREB para alquiler social

Barcelona commits to 200 SAREB homes for social renting

In a continuing effort to address the need for affordable housing, Barcelona City Council has renewed its agreement with SAREB for the transfer of housing for social rental. This new agreement, which…

Precios y cambios para 2024 en el transporte público de Barcelona

Prices and changes for 2024 in Barcelona’s public transport system

The public transport landscape in Barcelona is set to undergo significant changes as we approach 2024. The Autoritat del Transport Metropolità (ATM) has recently confirmed that it will maintain the 50% discount…

Barcelona y Madrid en rivalidad por el Gran Premio de Fórmula 1

Barcelona and Madrid in rivalry for the Formula 1 Grand Prix

In political and sporting circles in Spain, a battle is brewing between Barcelona and Madrid for the prestigious Formula 1 Grand Prix. Although the official announcement has not yet arrived, rumors indicate…

Barcelona brilla en la Gala Michelin 2024 con tres nuevas estrellas

Barcelona shines at the Michelin Gala 2024 with three new stars

In a night of pure culinary magic, Barcelona was the setting for the Michelin Gala 2024, an event that brought together the titans of Spanish gastronomy. Hosted by Andreu Buenafuente at the…