Tag: viajar a Barcelona

El Mobile World Congress 2024 batió récords y expectativas en Barcelona

Mobile World Congress 2024 broke records and expectations in Barcelona

The Mobile World Congress 2024 has closed its doors with a resounding success, exceeding all expectations. The world’s most important technology trade show registered the attendance of more than 101,000 visitors from…

Nace una cría de Gacela Dama Mohor en el Zoo de Barcelona

A Dama Mohor Gazelle calf is born at Barcelona Zoo

In the continuous effort to preserve biodiversity and protect endangered species, the Barcelona Zoo has witnessed an extraordinary event: the birth of a baby Dama Mohor Gazelle. This is cause for great…

El Futuro de la movilidad con el Coche Volador Alef Model A en el MWC

The future of mobility with the Alef Model A Flying Car at MWC

At Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona, undoubtedly the most innovative and high-impact technology exhibit capturing everyone’s attention is the Alef Model A flying car. This creation of Alef Aeronautics promises to…