Tag: viajar a Barcelona

¿Cuándo será necesario reducir la presión del agua en Barcelona?

When will it be necessary to reduce water pressure in Barcelona?

In a scenario of concern about water management, the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) is preparing to implement measures to reduce water pressure in several locations near the city. The initiative responds…

Más de 811 millones de euros dejó la inversión extranjera en 2023 a Barcelona

More than 811 million euros in foreign investment in Barcelona in 2023

In an impressive achievement for Barcelona’s economy, the City Council announced that foreign investment worth an exceptional 811 million euros was attracted during 2023. This milestone represents not only a significant increase…

El Impulso del Modelo 'Coliving' en Barcelona para la Copa América

The ‘Coliving’ Model Boost in Barcelona for the America’s Cup

The city of Barcelona is experiencing a significant change in the real estate market driven by the America’s Cup. High hotel occupancy and the need to accommodate thousands of people for several…

La Casa Tosquella de Barcelona renace como Centro para personas mayores

La Casa Tosquella in Barcelona is reborn as a center for the elderly.

  After years of neglect, the historic Casa Tosquella, a modernist jewel built in 1889 and located in Barcelona’s Putxet neighborhood, is about to undergo a significant transformation. The Barcelona City Council…

Carnaval 2024 en Barcelona: una semana de celebración colorida

Carnival 2024 in Barcelona: a week of colorful celebration

Although we have barely left the Christmas festivities behind us, we are already looking forward to the next big party: Carnival 2024 in Barcelona. This year, according to the lunar calendar, the…

Barcelona busca soluciones innovadoras ante la grave amenaza de sequía

Barcelona seeks innovative solutions to severe drought threat

Barcelona is facing an unprecedented water crisis, leading the Generalitat and the City Council to consider drastic measures to preserve water amid the threat of drought affecting the entire region. The lack…

Boom poblacional histórico: Barcelona alcanza los 1.7 millones de habitantes

Historic population boom: Barcelona reaches 1.7 million inhabitants

The Catalan capital has registered a historic population boom by reaching 1.7 million inhabitants, a figure not seen since 1990, according to recent data provided by the City Council’s Municipal Data Office.…