Tag: viajar a Barcelona

Importantes hospitales de Barcelona dentro de los 30 mejores de España según Forbes

Major Barcelona hospitals ranked among the 30 best in Spain by Forbes

Forbes, the renowned international magazine, has released an exclusive list highlighting the 30 best hospitals in Spain in various medical and surgical specialties. This distinguished list includes important hospitals in Barcelona. The…

Barcelona Card Sea, una tarjeta temática que te acerca al mar

Barcelona Card Sea, a thematic card that brings you closer to the sea

Turisme de Barcelona has enthusiastically announced the creation of the “Barcelona Card Sea”, a thematic card designed to promote nautical and maritime activities, in an effort to bring the sea closer to…

El Passeig de Gràcia pasa de Distrito Financiero a Avenida del Lujo

Passeig de Gràcia changes from Financial District to Luxury Avenue

Originally built to connect Barcelona with the Vila de Gràcia, the Passeig de Gràcia has undergone a metamorphosis over the years, transforming from a temporary space for leisure and cafés that could…

La línea de metro más larga de Barcelona alcanzará los 50 kilómetros

Barcelona’s longest subway line to reach 50 kilometers

The bustling Catalan capital is preparing for a milestone in its public transport system. Metro Line 9, which is currently under construction, is set to become the longest metro line in the…