Tag: viajar a Barcelona

Dos discotecas de Barcelona entre el el Top 10 Mundial del 2023

Two Barcelona nightclubs among the World Top 10 of 2023

The city has hosted for the first time the International Nightlife Congress and has left an indelible mark by seeing two of its nightclubs, Shôko and Opium Mar, ranked in the Top…

Barcelona epicentro mundial del turismo de congresos

Barcelona world epicenter of congress tourism

Barcelona is consolidating its position as a leading destination for congress tourism. Closing the year 2023 with an impressive 450 congresses, the Catalan capital is consolidating its position as a magnet for…

barcelona masificada

Barcelona is a hyper-dense urban epicenter in Europe

At the heart of the Barcelona metropolitan area is a unique demographic reality in Europe: a highly concentrated urban epicenter that defies conventional population density limits. With nine of the ten most…