Tag: viajar a Barcelona

Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona se convierte en HUB para atraer más empresas

Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona becomes a HUB to attract more companies

The Barcelona Chamber of Commerce has carried out a significant transformation of its central offices located on Avenida Diagonal, with the aim of attracting more companies. Following an investment of four million…

Dos nuevos eventos en Fira de Barcelona para 2025

Two new events at Fira de Barcelona for 2025

Fira de Barcelona, one of Europe’s most important trade fair institutions, has achieved a great feat by winning two new world-leading events in their respective sectors. These two professional trade shows, which…

Cataluña en estado de emergencia por sequía

Catalonia in a state of emergency due to drought

Catalonia is facing a state of emergency due to the prolonged drought that has affected the region for the last 30 months. The Catalan Water Agency (ACA) has taken unprecedented measures by…

Se aceleran las obras para la Copa América de Vela

Construction work for the America’s Cup is speeding up

The prestigious America’s Cup sailing event is leaving its mark on the port of Barcelona, with a significant transformation in the Port Vell. With a year to go before the start of…

La startup barcelonesa Cebiotex, produce el primer medicamento contra el cáncer

Barcelona-based startup Cebiotex produces the first drug against cancer

Barcelona-based startup Cebiotex has achieved a significant milestone by developing the first cancer drug currently in clinical trials. In the world of medical science and technology, this breakthrough represents hope for those…

Barcelona: sede del Congreso Internacional de Ocio Nocturno

Barcelona: venue for the International Nightlife Congress

Barcelona is preparing to become the world epicenter of nightlife with the celebration of the 9th International Nightlife Congress and the awaited 8th Golden Moon Awards gala. These events, which will take…