Tag: viajar a Barcelona

Barcelona en alerta por la invasión de "hormigas locas"

Barcelona on alert due to the invasion of “crazy ants”.

Barcelona is facing an unexpected but worrying invasion: the proliferation of the ant species known as Paratrechina longicornis, also nicknamed “crazy ants”. Despite previous efforts to eradicate them by 2022, recent sightings…

Barcelona con nueva conexión aérea directa con Miami

Barcelona with new direct air connection to Miami

The city of Barcelona celebrates the arrival of a new air connection that promises to open the doors to an emblematic destination on the American coast: Miami. Thanks to Level Airlines, Barcelona…

Ascensor para el barrio de Horta conecta dos calles con desnivel

Elevator for Horta neighborhood connects two streets with unevenness

The Horta neighborhood in Barcelona has experienced a significant advance in terms of accessibility with the recent installation of a new elevator that connects two streets with unevenness. This initiative, carried out…