162 niches of Montjuïc Cemetery desecrated to steal valuables from deceased persons

162 niches of Montjuïc Cemetery desecrated to steal valuables from deceased persons

In a situation that has shocked the city of Barcelona, the Montjuïc Cemetery has been the object of desecration of 162 niches in recent months.

The news has stunned citizens and generated a wave of indignation over the disrespectful act of stealing valuable belongings lying next to the deceased.

The case has been under investigation since July 3 by the Mossos d’Esquadra authorities, who received an alert from Cementiris de Barcelona about the unusual state of the tombstones.

They showed cracks and deterioration, but the number of cases made it possible to rule out damage caused by the passage of time or nearby work.

The sad reality is that these desecrations had a clear objective: to search for jewelry, watches and even gold dental pieces that may have been buried with the deceased on their last journey.

The desecrated niches date mainly from the 1960s and 1970s and have concrete slabs, many of them without tombstones.

162 niches desecrated in Montjuïc Cemetery

Faced with this ruthless act, Cementiris de Barcelona has reinforced surveillance and has collaborated with the Mossos and the Guardia Urbana to implement a security device.

Drones have even been used in an attempt to detect those responsible, but so far the perpetrators of this inhumane act have not been caught.

The consequences of these desecrations affect not only the valuables that have been stolen, but also the relatives of the deceased, who suffer once again the loss and grief of knowing that the peace and respect of their loved ones in their final resting place have been violated.

Municipal leaders have requested an increased presence of security guards at the cemetery and the installation of a surveillance camera system. It is crucial that this sacred space of recollection receives the protection and respect it deserves.

About this cemetery

The Montjuïc Cemetery, also known as the New Cemetery or Southwest Cemetery, is a place of great historical and architectural importance in Barcelona.

Its extensive surface of 560,000 m² and the 155,227 graves it houses have a significant patrimonial value.

Its architectural diversity, combining neoclassical, historicist and modernist elements, reflects its rich history and the eclectic character of Barcelona.

Inside this cemetery rest illustrious and relevant characters of the history of Catalonia, from politicians such as Lluís Companys and Francesc Cambó, to renowned artists such as Joan Miró and Santiago Rusiñol, as well as intellectuals such as Ana María Matute.

Faced with this painful situation, it is necessary to ensure the respect and protection of cemeteries.