800 volunteers create a human mosaic with the America’s Cup Sailing logo in Barcelona

800 volunteers create a human mosaic with the America's Cup Sailing logo in BarcelonaLast Friday, June 14, a total of 800 people gathered to recreate the America’s Cup Sailing logo at the Olympic Port of the City. This with the purpose of forming the letter B the logo of the 37th edition of the sports competition. It will be held between August 22 and October 27. It is an action that has been recorded in a video and an aerial photograph.

America’s Cup Sailing logo: Participants with color-coordinated t-shirts.

In order to make the logo look good, it was the result of the organization of the participants in six sectors, identified with different colored wristbands. Thus, from very early in the morning, all the participants showed up dressed in color-coordinated T-shirts and began to gather at the port.

It is an event that was carried out by the local America’s Cup committee. That is, it was meticulously coordinated, guiding the volunteers in order to ensure that each person was in the right place. This was done with the aim of forming the iconic logo of the competition.

America’s Cup Sailing Logo: Mosaic made visible

It is a mosaic that was made visible in different high points of the city and from the air, it symbolizes the sporting spirit that characterizes the America’s Cup Sailing. “This event reflects the enthusiasm and passion that Barcelona has for sailing and for being one of the venues of this prestigious competition,” said the president of the organizing committee.

31 million euros of the municipality’s budget

At the end of May, Jaume Collboni, mayor of Barcelona, announced that a total of 31 million euros would be allocated from the municipality’s budget to improve public space. In addition to reinforcing services in the Barceloneta neighborhood. Although the socialist mayor wanted to dissociate this investment from the possible impact of the America’s Cup Sailing on the neighborhood, insisting that it would have been done in the same way.

Barceloneta return plan

However, for this package, a reserve of 10 million euros corresponds to a plan. It is a plan to return to Barceloneta which is associated with the America’s Cup. It is a plan that seeks to ensure that this legacy event provides benefits for the neighborhood.

18 million is earmarked to create new facilities and to improve existing ones, such as a youth center. On the other hand, 10 million will be taken as a starting point for the redevelopment of streets, renovation and repair of sidewalks. In addition to installing new street furniture. Lastly, to start up repairs to sidewalks valued at 3.1 million euros, to improve road pavement and sidewalk repairs.