“Alpuente” the viral churrería of TikTok moves

Nicknamed as the viral churrería of Barcelona, “AlPuente” moves to Padilla Street, next to the National Theater and the Auditori by order of the City Council. Although in reality it will remain close to its traditional location in Mercat dels Encants.

Although the churrería has existed since 1956, when it began to appear on TikTok and due to its success on this social network, it went viral and its sales skyrocketed.

Its owner, Juan Alpuente, has been a churrero since he was a child by family legacy.

He was encouraged during the pandemic to publish content that was multiplied countless times, which caused a before and after for this site.

A viral churrería with history

The latter has been in operation for about eight years. While the change has not been easy, he expects it to be an “opportunity” for customers to enjoy new products.

Best of all, Juan continues to use social networks to inform where he will be from now on.

As the churrería “Alpuente” has been in existence for more than 60 years, it had already had a change of location before. Eight years ago it also had to change its place of operation and that was when it moved from where it is currently located to the Glòries street corner to the Mercat dels Encants.

Sales success

They increased because Juan had a lot of “free time” during the pandemic. In these spaces, he dedicated himself to publicizing the business through social networks, especially TikTok.

And without knowing it, this diffusion became a key strategy for the business.

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Thanks to this popularity, sales soared by 20% to 30%. But something that its owner emphasizes is that its success is due to the loyalty of its customers, who have been with the churrería that his father started for several generations.

Even market workers or diners from les Glòries go to “Alpuente” when they are looking for a sweet treat or just for routine.

Thanks to her foray into social networking she has been able to meet many new people. Some people visit him, record content with Juan and all his work has taken on a new meaning.

However, as sales rose, so did input prices. For example, says Juan, the 25-liter bottle of oil that used to cost 65 euros now costs 110. It should be noted that only olive pomace oil mixed with EVOO is used in the production of its products.

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But in the end, retail prices in Alpuente have risen “practically nothing”. Maybe about 10 cents more to keep people coming to the site.

Among the most traditional products are churros and porras. The bags of chips of all kinds and flavored candy bars such as cream, kinder and chocolate.