Back-to-school dates in Barcelona and the post-holiday syndrome

Back-to-school dates in Barcelona and the post-vacation syndrome

Going back to school for the little ones can be quite an ordeal after a long summer. Even to the point of producing post-vacation syndrome. In fact, September has arrived and with it the return to the classroom for all children in Barcelona and Catalonia.

In this regard, it should be recalled that the new school year begins depending on the type of studies:

In Barcelona and Catalonia

Monday, September 5, 2022:

Early Childhood, Special and Primary Education.

Wednesday, September 7:

Secondary, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training.

And around this time, your home may be experiencing the syndrome. It can even bring problems in the emotional well-being of children, as the return to routine can affect them physically and psychologically.

Back to school in Barcelona is just around the corner.

And after such an intense summer where the presence, travel, tours, parties and excessive heat invited to live the beach, the sea and the pool, the return will not be easy.

The thing is that not all children take this moment in the same way. And there are adults who don’t pay much attention to them or see children’s feelings as trivial. But for some, the situation is very tough.

Returning to obligations and routine can be a problem. In fact, if it is for the adults who disconnected during the vacations, it can be traumatic for the little ones.

And no wonder. More than two long months were spent without schedules, homework, early mornings, activities, exams or teachers.

Coping with post-holiday syndrome

  • You can start by asking your children what they are worried about and how they feel about going back to school.
    You can talk about the positives of going back to school, learning new things and

    reconnecting with friends.

  • Take your little ones out school shopping. Encourage them with new books and notebooks, stamp and mark them, it’s fun. Shop for uniforms and organize back-to-school with fresh school supplies and supplies.
  • Gradually adapt them to the schedules. During the last week of vacation, try to get back into the habit of going to bed early so that you get enough sleep and wake up at the right time.
  • In front of them, avoid using words such as “what a drag” to go back to work or “these bosses again”, among other trivial phrases. Don’t let your children see in their parents negative feelings about having to return to routine and obligations.
  • When they start full school activities, try to alternate the school day with a play activity at the end of the day, especially in the first few weeks. This will help them gradually adapt to the routine.