Barcelona inaugurates the first low-noise firecracker stand

Barcelona inaugurates the first low-noise firecracker stand

The city of Barcelona has taken an important step towards a more inclusive and sustainable celebration of the festival of San Juan with the opening of the first low-noise firecracker stand.

Located in Plaza Molina, this initiative of the company La Traca seeks to meet the needs of people with hearing sensitivity, children, the elderly and animals.

The objective is to promote a more environmentally friendly pyrotechnics and adapted to a verbena model that has become more and more family and children friendly.

The company La Traca, pioneer in this innovative proposal, has been working for five years on the categorization of its products in low, medium and high sonority.

With the establishment of this low noise firecracker stand, La Traca offers pyrotechnic elements specifically designed to reduce noise impact and ensure a more pleasant and safer experience for those with hearing sensitivities.

First low-noise firecracker house

Jordi Brau, CEO of La Traca, explains that the line of low-noise firecrackers arose in response to the changing demands of society and the evolution of the San Juan festival into a more family-oriented and child-oriented festivity.

In the past, there used to be inconveniences due to the irresponsible use of firecrackers, but nowadays the trend has changed.

Fun is now prioritized in a festive atmosphere, where colorful elements and those aimed at children are more relevant.

The company has adapted its products to these new requirements and has created a wide range of low-noise pyrotechnic elements, which are below 97 decibels, approximately the volume level of a normal conversation.

La Traca’s initiative demonstrates its commitment to listening to society’s demands and providing more inclusive options.

The profile of the verbena has undergone significant changes in recent years, becoming a more family-oriented celebration and conducive to the enjoyment of children.

Jordi Brau emphasizes that more attention is now being paid to visual aspects and fun for children.

The main objective of the stand

The main objective of the low-noise firecracker stand in Plaza Molina is to ensure the comfort and well-being of people with hearing sensitivity, as well as animals that may be uncomfortable or frightened by the noise of firecrackers.

La Traca is committed to reviewing and improving its products to minimize any surprise effects that may cause discomfort.

Only medium- and low-noise firecrackers are offered at the Plaza Molina establishment, thus complying with inclusion standards.