Barcelona prepares a comprehensive plan for a clean and safe summer

Barcelona prepares a comprehensive plan for a clean and safe summerBarcelona is preparing a comprehensive plan, with the aim of achieving a clean, safe and effective summer, with improvements in the city’s facilities. The goal is to ensure the safety of all through cleanliness and coexistence. It should be noted that this plan coincides with events such as concerts and major sporting events.

Increase in effective services

The Barcelona City Council is preparing a significant increase in effective services, especially in the coastal area for this season. It is a plan framed within the Pla Endreça Barcelona. A municipal decision that aims to maintain excellence in public space. In addition to addressing the needs to improve the city in a cross-cutting manner.

Thus, Barcelona was focused on three key areas in order to ensure the welfare of citizens and order in the streets during the summer season. What is sought is cleanliness, safety and improved services on the beaches.

Barcelona prepares a comprehensive plan with special device to ensure mobility

To ensure public safety, the Guardia Urbana works every year for the summer season implementing a special security device. This in order to allow mobility, civility and coexistence in a safe way for the whole city. This is how Guardia Urbana intendant Jordi Oliveras explains it: “The main novelty of this summer’s device is the reinforcement of 200 additional agents per day”.

Reduce noise pollution

Prevent, monitor and control uncivic behavior, supervising public spaces, reducing noise pollution. In order to reduce the noise impact, 155 festive spaces will be limited to 155, in addition to reinforcing the nighttime mediation service from Thursday to Saturday. So, the campaign ‘La millor nit és la que no t’aixeca’ will strive to avoid the noise of nightlife.

It should be noted that this device of the Guardia Urbana will also ensure that the regulations are complied with in places where there is greater public concurrence. Taking into account capacity, closing hours and control of terraces. Likewise, special attention will be paid to infractions related to dwellings for tourist use.

Barcelona prepares a comprehensive plan that includes a device against sexist violence

Also, the Barcelona City Council has decided to open an extensive device with the aim of preventing male violence and other crimes that occur during this season.

Although in the summer Barcelona prepares a comprehensive plan for the summer season, this year the plan stands out for the reinforcement of Guardia Urbana agents known as safe routes that are deployed from the nightlife areas of the city to the nearest public transport stations.

Lastly, Barcelona is preparing a comprehensive plan that will include safe routes that were planned after a detailed analysis of the routes that users usually take in public spaces in a natural way.