Barcelona to renovate 17 vertical gardens in the city

Barcelona to renovate 17 vertical gardens in the cityThe Barcelona City Council will reform 17 vertical gardens in the city. It has therefore launched a competition to attract the attention of architects under 35 years of age. This is how Barcelona is preparing to protect the title of World Capital of Architecture in 2026. It will be carried out through an international ideas competition.

The aim is to transform the vertical gardens located in different districts of the city into new facades. This gives value to these structures that are anonymous and without any prominence in the public space.

Strategy will refurbish 17 vertical gardens

This ambitious plan seeks to refurbish 17 vertical gardens which are spread throughout the city, in a single effort to promote sustainability and of course, improve air quality. It is a project that is part of the “Green Barcelona 2030” initiative that seeks to integrate green spaces in urban areas, in addition to combating climate change.

Barcelona to refurbish 17 vertical gardens: improvements in spaces

Therefore, within the framework of the Architecture Weeks held in the city, Laia Bonet, who is deputy mayor, pointed out that the initiative will make it possible to make obvious improvements in spaces that have great potential to beautify the public space and the city. All this with an eye on the climatic context.

Bonet also stressed that these interventions will have an impact on the energy efficiency and habitability of the buildings, as well as the creation of green spaces. Thus Bonet concluded: “Improving the quality of public space is also about guaranteeing the dignity of all neighbors, wherever they live, and building a more resilient and healthy city for all. This is the real goal of the competition.”

Leaving a lasting mark on the city

It should be noted that the World Architecture Capital 2026 will be presented in Barcelona, which will coincide with the celebration of the UIA World Architecture Congress. The purpose of this event will be to leave a lasting impression on the city through the contest. In addition to the creation of a large-scale designed model that is linked to a space for reflection and dissemination of architecture.

6,000 party walls in the public space

The City Council has identified that through the Municipal Institute of Urban Landscape and Quality of Life (IMPU) identified about 6,000 party walls in the city’s public space.

These dividing walls lack aesthetic and functional prominence, which generates constructive and thermal deficiencies, since they are not designed for exterior facades.

In the end, Barcelona will refurbish 17 vertical gardens, but of the 10 proposals that were selected there is a budget of approximately 5.3 million euros. This budget is financed by the City Council, except for new openings, balconies and windows. Taking into account that they will be covered 50% by the homeowners.