Barcelona traffic lights pay tribute to Mortadelo and Filemón

Barcelona traffic lights pay tribute to Mortadelo and Filemón

Barcelona is getting ready to pay tribute to two of its most beloved comic characters: Mortadelo and Filemón.

The Barcelona City Council has announced that it will install pedestrian traffic lights with the figures of these endearing characters in several emblematic places in the city, which has aroused great interest among the city’s inhabitants.

The Barcelona City Council has launched this unique project as a gesture of appreciation and commemoration of the contribution of the late cartoonist Francisco Ibáñez to the world of comics and popular culture.

Ibáñez, known for his wit and creativity, brought to life Mortadelo and Filemón, two characters that have captivated generations of readers over the years.

The design of the traffic lights reflects the essence of these characters, with Mortadelo on the green light and Filemón on the red light, creating a unique visual experience for those who pass through the intersections where these traffic lights will be installed.

Mortadelo and Filemón in emblematic places of the city

The project includes the installation of these Mortadelo and Filemón traffic lights in four strategic locations in Barcelona. These places have been carefully selected to honor the life and work of Francisco Ibáñez:

  • Gran Via de les Glóries Catalanes with Bac de Roda street: this intersection is located in one of the busiest areas of Barcelona and will serve as a focal point for passersby and drivers to appreciate the iconic Mortadelo y Filemón traffic lights.
  • Provençals neighborhood: this neighborhood is special because it was the home of Francisco Ibáñez himself. Installing a traffic light at this location is a recognition of his personal connection to the city and his contribution to local culture.
  • Ronda de Sant Pere with Passeig de Gràcia: this crossroads is emblematic for its central location and historical importance. The presence of Mortadelo and Filemón in this place will bring a touch of fun and nostalgia to those who pass through here.
  • Sant Antoni Market corner: Sant Antoni Market is a traditional place in Barcelona, and the installation of a Mortadelo y Filemón traffic light here will add a touch of color and joy to the atmosphere.

A posthumous tribute

For his part, Mayor Jaume Collboni presented Francisco Ibáñez’s family with the Gold Medal for Cultural Merit posthumously in a tribute ceremony at the Gabriel García Márquez Library. The Gold Medal recognizes Ibáñez’s outstanding contribution to culture and his lasting influence on the world of comics.

The ceremony of the Gold Medal for Cultural Merit was attended by Francisco Ibáñez’s widow, Remedios Solera Sánchez, his daughter, Núria Ibáñez Solera, family members and personalities of the media.