Book on benefits of olive oil in the treatment of cancer launched

Book on benefits of olive oil in the treatment of cancer launched

Before the Royal Academy of Medicine of Catalonia, 36 researchers, including doctors and scientists, presented the book “Olive Oils and Health”, which compiles their work on the benefits of olive oil in the treatment of cancer.

According to the study, the consumption of virgin olive oil contributes to both the prevention and the fight against cancer.

The book presents the different scientific evidences known so far related to the consumption of this type of oil.

Olive oil in the treatment of cancer

The book was edited by Dr. Eduard Escrich, one of the world’s leading researchers, together with his team at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, UAB. The paper highlights the link between dietary fats and breast cancer.

The research of Dr. Escrich and his team was able to demonstrate that a healthy diet that includes the consumption of virgin olive oil as a fat can slow down the proliferation of cancer cells.

It was shown that tumors have a lower degree of malignancy and can be more differentiated when the oil is consumed.

They also found evidence regarding the reduction of colorectal cancer onset and progression.

The book Olive Oils and Health

As a result of the research, the book “Olive Oil and Health” was published, a work promoted by the Fundación Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero and the Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español.

In addition to Dr. Escrich, other authors include José María Ordovás, Miguel Ángel Martínez, Angel Gil and José López-Miranda.

The book, which was recently presented in Barcelona, has a foreword by Luis Planas, Minister of Agriculture, and Carolina Darias, Minister of Health.

Through its 18 chapters of content, it explains the research on virgin olive oil and its benefits in the prevention of breast cancer, the control of obesity and how it favors the cardiovascular system.

The book is aimed at the general public, especially professionals and those responsible for public and corporate administrations related to food and health, as well as those who are part of the food chain.

The presentation of the book was attended by Dr. Josep Antoni Bombí, president of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Catalonia, and José Miguel Herrero, director general of the Food Industry of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

Rafael Sánchez de Puerta, president of the Fundación Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero, was also present.

Regarding the publication of this informative book, Sánchez de Puerta said that it is a moment of congratulation for the sector, which means a new milestone in the goal of achieving the valorization of olive oils in the eyes of society.