Catalonia and glass container recycling over the last 25 years

Catalonia and glass container recycling over the last 25 years

In a world increasingly aware of the importance of caring for our environment, Catalonia stands out as a pioneer in sustainable waste management, especially with regard to the recycling of glass containers.

With a 25-year track record, the region has led the transformation to a circular model that not only preserves resources, but also inspires other communities to follow suit.

The history of glass container recycling in Catalonia dates back to 1982, when the then mayor of Barcelona, Narcís Serra, inaugurated the first container for glass containers in the Plaza Sant Jaume in Barcelona.

This act marked the beginning of a revolution in waste management, and the iconic green igloos began to form part of the urban landscape, becoming symbols of environmental commitment.

Initially, these containers were distributed in three colors to sort glass by shade: white, green and brown. However, over time and to simplify the task for citizens, the characteristic green igloo was chosen, which has become an emblem of sustainability in Catalonia.

A quarter of a century of achievements in glass container recycling (1997-2023)

The selective collection of glass packaging in Catalonia was established as a mandatory activity 25 years ago, with the approval of Law 11/1997 on Packaging and Packaging Waste.

Since then, the region has experienced significant growth in glass container recovery, exceeding 200%. More than 3.3 million tons of glass have been deposited in the 10,000 green igloos distributed throughout Catalan cities and towns.

This commitment has led each Catalan to deposit about 82 glass containers a year in the green container, a figure that stands out above the national average. Catalonia not only recycles in large quantities, but does so efficiently and responsibly.

A commitment by all

The success of these recycling levels is due to the commitment and responsibility of all the actors involved. The collaboration between Catalunya and Ecovidrio has been fundamental.

Since the signing of the framework agreement with Ecovidrio, Catalan society has shown an example of mobilization and maturity in the recycling habit. The public administration, industry and hoteliers have worked together to achieve outstanding figures.

Currently, and in line with the principles of efficiency and sustainability, Ecovidrio has implemented a Digital Transformation Plan, a pioneer in the world of the circular economy.

The use of geo-localized containers and artificial intelligence tools makes it possible to analyze daily collection data and cross-reference it with socio-demographic variables to identify opportunities for improvement.

Catalonia has treatment plants and glassworks committed to sustainability.