Catalonia has more than 92% of its population connected by public fiber optics

Catalonia has more than 92% of its population connected by public fiber optics

In a historic milestone, the Government of the Generalitat has made the largest investment to achieve sovereignty in connectivity. More than 92% of the Catalan population now enjoys a public fiber optic network, in an effort to reduce public spending on internet.

This deployment, which covers 5,213 km and reaches 473 municipalities, is a firm step towards universal connectivity.

The expansion of this network, the largest in the history of Catalonia, not only benefits urban areas but also has a positive impact on small municipalities and areas with dispersed population.

In the words of the Secretary of Telecommunications and Digital Transformation, this project seeks to guarantee “universal access to connection, understood as a right to be preserved for all citizens, wherever they live”.

This ambitious plan not only boosts equal opportunities but also addresses the digital divide and promotes equal digital access and associated services, balancing opportunities between territories.

The public fiber optic deployment strategy

The Government’s strategy involves deploying fiber throughout Catalonia and making it available to local operators. This decentralized approach energizes the market by allowing operators to expand their services, generating new opportunities for economic, social and cultural activities.

This model is not only about connecting the population but also about decentralizing the operator market and fostering the growth of local operators. Connectivity thus becomes a catalyst for the digitization of various activities, creating an inclusive digital ecosystem.

Public-private collaboration

The extension of public fiber optics is part of a new model of Catalan connectivity based on collaboration between different levels of government and public-private partnerships.

This initiative is aligned with the National Pact for the Digital Society, encouraging dialogue between administrations and stakeholders.

The European Commission also supports this strategy, advocating incentives for investment in high-capacity networks and ensuring a level playing field for all players in the digital market.

Catalonia connects us

Under the campaign ‘Catalunya ens connecta’, this public fiber optic deployment is oriented towards the construction of a connected Catalonia.

Beyond basic connectivity, it seeks to enable disruptive technologies such as decentralized computing, the use of artificial intelligence and sensor networks to improve people’s lives with an inclusive social perspective.

This is a monumental milestone for Catalonia, where digitization is not only a matter of technology, but a lever to build a fair, sustainable and people-centered society.

Fiber optics not only connects territories, but also connects lives towards an inclusive digital future within everyone’s reach.