Catalonia launches campaign to distribute free menstrual products in pharmacies

Catalonia launches campaign to distribute free menstrual products in pharmacies

Catalonia has launched a pioneering initiative that will provide reusable menstrual products free of charge in 90% of pharmacies in the region.

This measure, to be implemented in the coming weeks, will include menstrual cups, panties and cloth pads, offering a sustainable and accessible alternative for the 2.5 million menstruating women in Catalonia.

The initiative, announced by the Department of Equality and Feminisms, arises as part of the Comprehensive Plan for Menstrual Equity and Climacteric 2023-2025. This plan aims to address menstrual poverty, a persistent problem that affects a large number of people in Catalonia.

According to data provided by the department, one in four menstruating persons have had difficulty obtaining menstrual products due to economic reasons, while two in five have not been able to purchase the desired product for the same reason.

According to the department, over the course of her fertile life a menstruating person spends an average of 2,500 euros on menstrual products. The initiative will help reduce this expense to 145 euros.

Free menstrual products in pharmacies to combat menstrual poverty

Menstrual poverty, in addition to being an issue of access to commodities, is also linked to social stigmas and taboos surrounding the issue of menstruation.

Georgina Oliva, General Secretary of Equality and Feminisms, emphasized the importance of addressing this issue, stating that “it is not fair that a basic need product should cost what it does”.

In this sense, the initiative to provide free menstrual products is presented as a matter of gender justice, aimed at ensuring that all people have access to the products necessary for their health and well-being, regardless of their economic situation.

The implementation of this initiative involves pharmacists, who will be trained to be able to properly advise people on the menstrual products available and help them choose the most appropriate option for their needs and preferences.

It is hoped that this measure will not only provide free access to menstrual products, but also educate and empower menstruating individuals to make informed decisions about their menstrual health.

How does the initiative work?

The measure will be carried out through a simple process, where menstruating people will be able to pick up the products at their local pharmacy by presenting a QR code that can be obtained through the “La Meva Salut” app.

For those who are not familiar with the application, they can go directly to the pharmacy to obtain the necessary products.

This initiative represents a significant step towards eliminating economic barriers to access to menstrual products and highlights Catalonia’s commitment to promoting gender equality and the well-being of all menstruating people in the region.