Catalonia plans to reuse the annual amount of water consumed by Barcelona by 2027

Catalonia plans to reuse Barcelona's annual amount of water by 2027

The Minister of Climate Action, David Mascort, has announced at the COP28 climate meeting in Dubai that Catalonia has a goal of reusing a staggering 120 cubic hectometers of water by 2027.

This volume is equivalent to the amount of water that the city of Barcelona consumes annually. These statements are made in the framework of the Plan for the Reuse of Regenerated Water in Catalonia, a project that plans to invest 126 million euros in some 30 measures until 2027.

Mascort stressed the importance of this plan in the context of the current drought and the future water crises expected due to the climate emergency.

Water reuse is presented as a fundamental strategy to generate water resources in a region affected by water scarcity.

It is planned to reuse the water consumed in a year Barcelona

The conseller explained that the volume of water expected to be reused will be saved from the reservoirs, thus ensuring the supply for all citizens. This announcement is part of a broader effort to achieve the goal of reusing 70% of the water in Catalonia by 2040, with a total investment of 407 million euros.

Planned investments through 2027 include more than 30 measures, including the creation of 24 Water Regeneration Stations (WRS) and the recharge of aquifers in coastal areas. This effort not only seeks to address the current drought but also to prepare for future water challenges.

The process is divided into two phases: the first, until 2027, with an investment of 126 million euros, and the second, between 2028 and 2040, with an additional investment of 155 million euros. In this second phase, it is expected that 70% of the water will be reused.

Reusing water: a primary objective

Details of the more than 30 measures have not been fully disclosed, but are expected to involve advanced technologies and the implementation of efficient processes to ensure water safety and quality.

It is worth mentioning that according to data from the Government, in 2022, 12% of the water treated in Catalonia was destined for direct reuse, representing about 71 cubic hectometers. Another 31% was used indirectly, 18% was injected into waterways and 39% was discharged into the sea.

This announcement comes in the broader context of COP28, where climate leaders from around the world are seeking innovative solutions to address the climate crisis and its various implications, including sustainable water management.

In fact, in this context, Catalonia is in the midst of discussing measures to guarantee water supply and recycle the resource. Ultimately, the decision rests with municipalities, who must balance tradition, festivals and leisure activities with environmental responsibility in times of scarcity.