Collboni renews the city: new strategy to transform urban spaces after Colau’s green axes

Collboni renews the city new strategy to transform urban spaces after Colau's Ejes Verdes (Green Axes)Collboni renews the city through a new strategy to transform urban spaces after Colau’s Green Axes, through a new roadmap to guarantee urban spaces. This is how the mayor of Barcelona, Jaume Collboni has presented a strategy of renewal and transformation. In the great bet for the creation of green spaces in his mandate. To do this, he seeks to create functional and sustainable spaces with the aim of improving the quality of life of citizens. It should be noted, which takes into account the name of Proximity and Indoor Spaces Programs, which has as acronym PEPI, which has already made a fortune.

Transformation of space into a green area

Within this Climate Plan that involves other actions, such as air conditioning schools, as well as betting on micro-urbanizations. This means increasing interventions in small spaces. Allowing all city spaces that are vulnerable to be transformed into green areas beyond their dimensions. This includes undeveloped or temporary uses, abandoned lots, island interiors, such as corners and squares.

Collboni renovates the city: 357 interventions expected

Also, PEPI proposes, for this mandate, a total of 357 interventions of which 71 are specifically highlighted those aimed at gaining 22.3 hectares of green spaces, as an equivalent area. Collboni has highlighted this, “to 148 inner blocks of the Eixample or the entire Ciutadella Park”. From these 71 interventions to achieve 357. To this, we must add the remodeling of 60 party walls, 216 shaded areas and 10 roofs in kindergartens.

Maintains the space recovery plan

It should be noted that these interventions will be extended according to Collboni as that of “climate urbanism”, understood as “new conception of green space, putting the green in relation to the health of people and the city, and taking into account the causes and consequences of climate change on our cities and lives”. The mayor wanted to indicate the new roadmap and a new conception of “climate urbanism” goes beyond the intentions defended by the same PSC in his election campaign to bet on recovering the island interiors in the Eixample, in which he points out: “Not only is maintained, we expand the field of action with this plan for the recovery of spaces”. In this sense, the municipal government continues recovering block interiors in the Eixample district, adding to the rest of districts.

Intervention in 18 block interiors

The first actions are expected to intervene in 18 block interiors, including existing improvements and new creation. For the moment, three new ones have been advanced, none of them in the Eixample. Because they are the Illa Danubi in Las Corts, the Illa Colorantes in Sant Andreu and Estoril 34 in Horta-Guinardó.

Collboni renews the city: Green Axes change their course

The new plan involves a new strategy in relation to the policy of the previous municipal government, with Mayor Ada Colau, when the plan was launched to enhance shade and green. In addition to gaining urban spaces it consisted of realizing Green Axes taking into account the Supermanzana Model.

New roadmap with a “fresh look”.

For all these reasons, the current mayor has chosen not to carry out the new roadmap as an amendment to the previous policy, but to take it as a “fresh look”. This is why the city of Barcelona can boast of being the pioneer in gaining green and pacifying streets. Despite the fact that at each stage priorities have been established and the way of doing things, the same line has been maintained to achieve a friendly, green and healthy city. Finally, the mayor adds: “there is no desire to scale with a new look, which is that of climate urbanism”. Collboni is renewing the city with a new strategy that will transform urban spaces by revitalizing and modernizing urban areas. In addition to adapting them to current needs, improving the quality of life of citizens. With this renovation, Collboni intends to move towards a more functional, sustainable city in tune with contemporary demands.