Digital Impact opens, an immersive exhibition in the digital world

Digital Impact opens, an immersive exhibition in the digital world

Disseny Hub Barcelona welcomes art and technology lovers with the opening of Digital Impact. An immersive digital art exhibition that promises to break down the barriers between the physical and digital worlds.

With giant screens and immersive stages, this unique experience offers the opportunity to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of digital creation.

The exhibition, which opened last Friday, April 28, 2023, presents the work of 16 prominent digital artists, both nationally and internationally.

They include Refik Anadol, Universal Everything, Random International, Domestic Data Streamers, Alba G. Corral and Antoni Arola.

Each of them brings their unique and creative vision to the digital world, exploring new forms of artistic expression.

Digital Impact: an immersive exhibition

Digital Impact is not just an exhibition, it is an experience that invites the viewer to immerse themselves in a city to be explored.

Lasting until August 27, 2023, visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy radical visualizations and technological performances that challenge the limits of imagination.

General admission costs 15 euros and the exhibition will be open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 am.

The exhibition offers a unique perspective on the interaction between the physical and digital worlds in the context of art.

In a world increasingly dominated by technology, the digital element has become a reflection of our identity and an integral part of our lives.

Digital art, as an artistic manifestation in itself, captures this duality and invites us to reflect on our existence in both worlds.

About the exhibition

Digital Impact is presented as a disruptive radiography of the current state of digital art and design.

With a display of 4,000 square meters, the exhibition offers a wide variety of works ranging from immersive installations to generative creations made with artificial intelligence.

Visitors will be able to interact with pieces that reproduce human movements, visualize data in real time and explore the creative possibilities offered by technology.

The director of the exhibition, Pep Salazar, highlights the accessibility of Digital Impact and emphasizes that it is not necessary to be an expert in digital art to enjoy this experience.

From transparent igloos to screens displaying digital artwork, each installation invites visitors to get excited and connect with digital creativity.

At a time when the debate on the role of artificial intelligence in art is being raised, Salazar stresses the importance of the artist as a creator and the need for his or her intervention in the creative process.

If you are passionate about the digital world, you can’t miss this experience.