During 2022 more than 35,000 families were assisted by Caritas in Barcelona.

During 2022 more than 35,000 families were assisted by Caritas in Barcelona.

Demand for Caritas assistance in Barcelona increases, surpassing the figures recorded during the pandemic.

During 2022, more than 35,000 families and people in vulnerable situations received help from Caritas in Barcelona, surpassing the numbers of 2020, considered the year of the pandemic.

These record figures reflect the impact of the chain of crises and the increase in housing and food prices in the region.

Precarious housing is one of the main problems contributing to the increase in poverty in the region.

The increase in “real rentals” and the lack of decent housing are realities that affect more than 67% of the households served by Caritas, representing an increase of 3% compared to the previous year.

Of particular concern is the increase in the “re-renting” of rooms to entire families, particularly women with children.

Caritas in Barcelona

Job instability also adds to the difficulties of people in vulnerable situations.

Seventy-five percent of the working-age people served are unemployed. Young people face greater precariousness, with 3 out of 4 lacking jobs and decent housing.

In addition to these problems, people in an irregular administrative situation face greater obstacles in accessing assistance and services, which prevents them from escaping poverty.

These difficulties are passed on to their children, generating a cycle of poverty that affects future generations.

Caritas has been able to provide support through more than 23 million euros mobilized, with the participation of more than 2,100 volunteers and nearly 200 workers.

Thanks to financial aid, housing and residential centers, 4,276 people have been prevented from becoming homeless.

However, demand continues to increase and greater resources are required to cope with the growing crisis.

International support

It is important to note that up to three out of every four people assisted by Caritas are from outside the European Union, and there has been an increase in the presence of people from Latin American countries such as Colombia, Honduras, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia.

Cardinal Juan José Omella, president of Caritas, stressed the importance of the organization’s work in the midst of growing poverty.

Although it may seem insufficient given the magnitude of the problem, the work of Caritas represents a “drop of hope” to keep solidarity and charity alive.

In view of this situation, Caritas has launched the campaign “You have a lot to do” with the aim of raising funds and recruiting new volunteers for its social actions.

However, it also emphasizes the responsibility of public administrations to address and solve this problem.

It is everyone’s job in the midst of the difficulties facing the world.