El Prat airport expansion proposal: lengthening the short runway to Ricarda

El Prat airport expansion proposal: lengthening the short runway to Ricarda

Barcelona Global has presented a proposal to improve the competitiveness of Barcelona’s El Prat airport. The association suggests extending the airport’s short runway to the Ricarda area, while environmentally regenerating this area.

The proposal seeks to find a balance between the extension of the runway and the protection of the natural environment of the Llobregat Delta.

Barcelona Global has carried out an exhaustive multidisciplinary study over seven months to look for alternatives to improve the competitiveness of El Prat airport.

The association has concluded that lengthening the short track to the Ricarda could be a balancing solution. The proposal consists of extending the pavement of the shorter runway, which currently has a length of 2,660 meters, by 350 meters.

In addition, another 300 meters of ‘clearway’ would be added, a method used in other airports around the world that involves the placement of beacons to clear the airport area without the need for asphalt.

The objectives of the proposal to lengthen the short runway

The proposal for the expansion of El Prat airport is based on four main axes. Firstly, the aim is to improve intercontinental connections to enhance the airport’s connectivity.

Secondly, it is intended to avoid an increase in noise pollution.

Thirdly, it is proposed to regenerate the Ricarda area environmentally, protecting the natural environment of the Llobregat Delta. Finally, the aim is to ensure that the increase in flights respects the limits established in the 1999 environmental impact statement.

Barcelona Global stresses the importance of making the necessary investments in El Prat airport as well as in Girona and Reus airports.

In addition, the association advocates the creation of a commission of experts to evaluate the different solutions and determine the best options for improving air connectivity in the region.

The debate on the airport expansion continues in Catalonia, and it is expected that the Government and the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda will establish a technical roundtable to evaluate the different proposals.

Balancing growth and sustainability

One of the key aspects of Barcelona Global’s proposal is to ensure that the airport’s growth does not negatively affect the sustainability of the city.

The importance of finding a balance between increasing flights and the well-being of residents and the natural environment is emphasized.

In the event that the capacity of El Prat airport is expanded, Barcelona Global proposes to prioritize intercontinental destinations, especially in Asia, North America and South America.

Improving connections with cities such as Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York, San Francisco and Austin could strengthen Barcelona’s position as a major air transport hub.