Generalitat offers grants for buying or renting a home in Catalonia

Generalitat offers grants for buying or renting a home in Catalonia

The Generalitat offers grants for both renting and buying homes in Catalonia. And all in order to solve the problems of the housing market in the region characterized by high demand and high prices.

This situation led to the creation of urgent solutions for citizens to have access to decent and affordable housing.

Generalitat offers rental housing subsidies

One of the key initiatives of the Generalitat de Catalunya is the provision of rental subsidies, with a special focus on young people under 35 years of age. The purpose of these grants is to encourage emancipation and make access to housing more affordable for this demographic group.

The amount of assistance may vary depending on income and location of the home. Eligible individuals can receive a monthly benefit ranging from a minimum of 20 euros to 250 euros, which makes this assistance quite significant.

To be eligible for this aid, you must reside in Catalonia and at least one of the tenants must be registered in the community. In terms of income, you cannot earn more than 23,725 euros per year and the cost of rent must not exceed a set limit.

This benefit is incompatible with other housing-related subsidies, which means that if you already receive other similar subsidies, you will not be eligible for this one.

These grants are not limited to young people. The Generalitat offers two additional lines of rental subsidies: one for people between 36 and 64 years of age, and another for those over 65 years of age.

The basic requirements, such as being registered in Catalonia, an annual income limit of 23,725 euros and not receiving other housing-related assistance, remain the same. Applicants must be the holders of the rental contract and the dwelling must be their habitual residence.

Generalitat offers grants for the purchase of housing

In addition to rental subsidies, the Generalitat also offers options for the purchase of subsidized housing (VPO) for low-income people in need of a home.

To access these subsidized housing units, you must meet certain requirements and register as a housing applicant. The VPO is an excellent option for those looking to buy a home.

In terms of tax benefits, Catalonia has a tax regime that favors home purchases in certain cases. For example, those under 32 years of age who acquire a home as their habitual residence are only taxed at 5% on the transfer tax.

In addition, if you are under 36 years of age and receive a donation of a home, you can benefit from a tax reduction of up to 60,000 euros.