Give an original gift this Christmas

Give an original gift this Christmas

Today is Christmas, maybe you have already bought the presents or maybe not. If you haven’t already done so, a gift of something original is sure to make you look your best this holiday season.

In Barcelona there are some stores where you can find different very original gifts: author objects, unique pieces and other singular creations. If you visit these stores, you won’t leave empty-handed.

The best thing is that in this type of stores the budget will not be an obstacle for you to get a unique gift, very unique, sustainable, handmade and original.

In the city there is a whole variety of gifts, and those that are normally given: furniture, flowers, clothes, shoes, technology, etc. But if you want to buy something different and original, we tell you about some stores where you can get them.

Something original this Christmas

Moryarty Stores

In Poblenou is this store cataloged as a new space dedicated to retro spirit sheets. No more walls without color, without soul, painted in white. You can give beautiful retro style prints and posters as a gift. In Moryarty you can find them in various motifs: fauna, flora, works of art of anonymous or known authors and a whole old billboard. They also have an online store for worldwide shipping. There you can find the perfect gift to give as a present or to give yourself.

Diverse motifs: dancers, Japanese cranes, exotic fish, magazine covers, nocturnal butterflies and a wide variety of illustrations printed in high quality and with all reproduction rights managed.

Moryarty: 140 Pujades,

Bon Vent stores: something original

Every inch of this small store breathes the Mediterranean through its loving decoration as a tribute to the sea. You can find a variety of ceramic objects, glassware, antique tableware and handmade toys. A whole variety of decorative objects and there are also candles, woven baskets, espadrilles, hats, jewelry pieces, painted pots and clothing in honor of the sunny side of life.

Bon Vent: Argenteria, 41 Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera,

Londji Stores

Londji awakens your imagination both in its physical store in the Born and in its online store, very complete with a wide variety of products. It is a whole universe with retro style made in Girona: dominoes, puppets, memory cards, kaleidoscopes, stickers, puppets, board games, puzzles up to 500 pieces and many items where wood and cardboard predominate. A wonderful world of gifts for children, youth and adults. The store opened in 2019 for you to enjoy the experience of touching, stirring and well, buying some of the more than 300 toys they offer. Toys for everyone from age three and up. They include a lot of wood and less plastic.

Londji: Princesa, 49, Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera,