Historic retirement: TMB retires the last 2000 series train of Barcelona Metro

Historic retirement: TMB retires the last 2000 series train of Barcelona MetroTMB retires the last 2000 series train of the Barcelona Metro. Last June 21, the 2000 series train that was in circulation on line 3 of the Barcelona metro was withdrawn. It should be noted that during the day the last route was between the Trinitat Nova and Zona Universitaria stations.

New trains continue to be added

It should be noted that the TMB Foundation will add this piece to its range of historic vehicles. Three cars of this 2000 series are preserved, that is a trailer and two engines.

Removing this train is part of the renovation of the convoys in order to remove all the rolling stock substance from the metro network. Thus, in the case of line 3, new trains continue to be incorporated progressively, which are the new 7000 series trains.

These 2000 series trains began running on July 27, 1992, this was on metro line 3 with passengers. Although at the beginning this material was used to provide service to the expected line 2.

Likewise, the construction of the six trains of this 2000 series, consisting of two cars and a trailer, was carried out in order to reach the date of the celebration of the Barcelona 92 Olympic Games. In addition to the celebration of the new metro line 2.

TMB retires last train: Series 2000 entered service in 1995

Due to the delays that occurred on this line, it did not enter service until 1995, so the trains initially ran on line 3. Shortly thereafter, two cars were added to make them quintuple cars.

The Sagrada Familia section came into operation in 1997, after which the 2100 trains with 12 power cars were put into operation. Transforming in 2000 series trains to quintuple composition, formed by 5 cars that are: MA1-MB1-R-MB2-MA2.

It should be noted that the main difference from the 2000 series was that these new units had no front door. And progressively, these 2000 series trains were assigned to line 3, where they are still running.

Most outstanding features

One of the most outstanding features of these trains was that the first continuous Metro trains from Barcelona entered service in Spain, the second in Europe, and finally from Paris.

The subways are called “worm” type, because they had a corridor for the internal interconnection between cars. The full view of the train inside was a novelty that allows a better distribution of the interior passage, and at the same time offered a sense of security, especially at off-peak hours.