How the school calendar in Catalonia 2023-2024 was set

How the school calendar in Catalonia 2023-2024 was set

The Generalitat de Catalunya has made public the school calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year, establishing the start and end dates of the academic year, vacations and public vacations for students of all educational stages.

The start of the course will be staggered according to the educational level. Students in kindergarten, primary, ESO and basic vocational training will start classes on September 6, 2023.

The following week, i.e. September 12, it will be the turn for middle and high school students to enter the classrooms.

In the case of adult education, music and sports, no specific date has been set for the return to the classroom, leaving the centers a margin until September 18.

On the other hand, the Official Language Schools will resume classes before September 25.

Completion of classes in 2024

Next year’s course end date will vary according to the type of education. Students in the second cycle of kindergarten, elementary school, ESO, first year of high school and basic vocational training will finish classes on June 21, 2024.

In the case of public day care centers, the last working day of June will mark the end of the school year. The rest of the courses will finish according to their academic programming.

As for vacations, students will enjoy two long periods that will delimit the trimesters in some courses.

The first period will be Christmas, which will run from December 21, 2023 to January 7, 2024, inclusive. Easter, which marks the end of the second quarter and the beginning of the last quarter, will begin on March 23 and end on April 1, 2024, inclusive.

School calendar for Catalonia 2023-2024: know the key dates for the next academic year

In addition to the vacation periods, the centers will have up to four free public holidays throughout the three quarters.

Catalan students will also enjoy the usual national holidays, such as Columbus Day, All Saints’ Day, Spanish Constitution Day, Immaculate Conception and Labor Day.

For those students who must take the extraordinary evaluation to recover failed subjects, the Generalitat has specified the dates for these exams.

The Bachillerato make-up exams will be held from the second week of June, without extending beyond the 15th of the same month.

On the other hand, students in the last year of any intermediate cycle of Vocational Training will take the recovery tests before June 15 and, if necessary, the center will determine the exact dates.

With the school calendar already established, both students and teachers will be able to plan their next academic year in advance and prepare for a new cycle full of learning and growth.