Increased surveillance in Barcelona with 40 additional civic agents until October

Increased surveillance in Barcelona with 40 additional civic agents until OctoberIncreased surveillance in Barcelona with 40 additional civic agents until October. They are civic agents authorized by the Barcelona City Council to reinforce the security of the city and promote coexistence between neighbors and tourists in summer. In addition, they seek to intensify attitudes of anticipation and prevention. Because it is expected a greater celebration and tourist influx of the America’s Cup in the city.

60 % in cash on the street

Specifically, Barcelona will add 40 new agents to the 70 active at this time of the year, which represents a 60% increase in the number of agents on the streets. These agents will be present on the streets from mid-July until October, when the expected decrease in tourist activity is expected. On the other hand, Albert Batle, deputy mayor of Prevention and Security has put in value this service, where he adds “that already exists and that we have tried to size this summer that we expect especially intense on the one hand by the activity of the America’s Cup, and on the other by the expected influx of tourists to our city”.

Functions of civic agents

In addition, Batlle pointed out that this civic agent service is in charge of assisting, attending and informing. Its function is also to deal with the various types of contingencies that may arise in the public space. Accompanied by the function of the Urban Guard, which has the authority. Also, the deputy mayor and councilor of Ciutat Vella has expressed to citizens the importance of maintaining civility and civic behavior of all citizens. He has indicated good valuation of the citizenship that receives the service of civic agents.

Barcelona with 40 civic agents: Extraordinary budget 391,732 euros

As for the extraordinary budget, it comprises 391,732 euros, due to the fact that most of the agents will be incorporated on a full-time basis, that is to say, from Monday to Friday. While a group of 10 will do so to cover weekend rotations, this would be part-time, for a period of three months. These teams already increased in June, this means that from the 58 that are maintained throughout the year. To the 70 working since the beginning of summer, one of the measures expected to be carried out is the Management Plan for Spaces of Great Affluence (EGA). A model recently presented by the Barcelona City Council with the aim of managing the areas that have more tourism in the city. In addition to this, the increase of 40 agents from July to October in an action framed in the Endreça Plan that provides a coordinated, cross-cutting and comprehensive response. The aim is to guarantee the excellence of Barcelona’s public space.

New civic agents assigned to the streets

These reinforcement agents will perform their duties in the public space at street level, they will also be located in popular summer areas, such as Barceloneta and Gòtic. This, around the Sagrada Familia, Trinitat Vella, Plaça de Gràcia, Rambla Prim and Montjuic Park. This summer, three new locations were added to the high demand, such as La Rambla, Frente Litoral and Vila Olímpica. It is a quota destined to reinforce the service of the Barceloneta and other environments of the Sagrada Familia.

Barcelona with 40 civic agents: functions of the civic agents

Another of the functions of the civic agents is to carry out tasks of information, promotion of civic attitudes and awareness-raising. All this with the aim of promoting respect and coexistence. In addition to benefiting public spaces and verifying compliance. The aim is to transform Barcelona into a safer city. The agents will be present throughout the city, will have as main functions to develop preventive work and promote civility where action is needed. This means that they will act to promote the good uses with the task of warning, information and awareness. And finally, the requirement, if necessary. According to the data of year 2023, these civic agents made 380,186 actions in total. All this at street level in all districts. Where an index of satisfaction of citizens with respect to the staff acts as civic agent of 7’36 out of 10 is recorded, which means that effectively fulfills its responsibilities.