Interactive urban art decorating the shutters of stores in Sant Antoni with street art

urban art

The District of L’Eixample and the commercial hub Som Sant Antoni have launched an innovative initiative that seeks to revitalize and beautify the neighborhood of Sant Antoni through urban art. This project, called “Som barri, som comerç” (“We are neighborhood, we are commerce”), aims to highlight the importance of local merchants, who play a fundamental role in the life of the neighborhood.

To carry out this initiative, the Eixample District has collaborated with artist Daniel Thomàs, who has been commissioned to transform the shutters of 22 establishments into artistic canvases. Thomàs has painted portraits of the merchants who every day are behind the counter, offering not only products and services, but also contributing to the social and cultural fabric of the neighborhood.

Interactive urban art

The project is not limited to just painting the shutters, but also incorporates an interactive component. Each intervened shutter features a QR code that allows passersby to access an exclusive video about the history of the merchant represented. This not only offers a richer and more personalized experience, but also strengthens the bond between neighborhood residents and local businesses. In addition, a trail is being considered to allow visitors and residents to explore the painted shutters and, at the same time, learn more about the history and culture of the neighborhood.

This campaign follows in the footsteps of a similar initiative carried out in 2022, which was also very well received by shopkeepers and residents of Sant Antoni. On that occasion, the artist Lucas Amat was in charge of decorating 26 shutters with iconic motifs of the neighborhood. However, at the end of 2023, some of these shutters were vandalized, underlining the importance of continuing to work on the preservation and maintenance of public space.

Financing and support for local commerce

The District of L’Eixample has fully funded this campaign, assuming the 18,000 euros (VAT included) that has cost both the current initiative and that of 2022. The Eixample Economic Promotion Office, responsible for hiring the artists, has led this effort, which although not a direct objective of the Endreça Plan, is aligned with its desire to improve and guarantee the quality of public space in Barcelona.

The Endreça Plan, which has as one of its main objectives the improvement of the urban environment, has included in its framework a line of action aimed at improving the external image of commercial and catering establishments in the city. This line of action has materialized in the form of a call for subsidies aimed at Barcelona’s territorial merchants’ associations.

Improving the urban image

The call for grants provides financial support for the cleaning and painting of storefront shutters, including the application of an anti-paint primer and a shutter maintenance service for one year. This joint effort aims not only to improve the appearance of the stores, but also to encourage co-responsibility between citizens and authorities in the care of the shared space.

In addition to beautifying the neighborhood, this line of action aims to make economic activities more competitive and accessible, improving the perception and attractiveness of local businesses. By improving the external image of the establishments, it is expected that the stores will be able to attract more customers, which in turn will contribute to the economic dynamism of the neighborhood.

Urban art project with a vision for the future

The project “Som barri, som comerç” is a clear example of how urban art can be used as a tool for the revitalization of neighborhoods and the promotion of local commerce. By highlighting the figure of merchants and their importance in the community, this initiative beautifies the urban environment. In addition, it also strengthens the sense of belonging and identity of the Sant Antoni neighborhood.

The proposal for a route to explore the painted shutters is an interesting addition that could attract visitors from other neighborhoods and tourists. They believe it will increase the visibility and prestige of Sant Antoni as a vibrant and culturally rich neighborhood.

In summary, the collaboration between the District of L’Eixample and the Som Sant Antoni commercial axis in the project “Som barri, som comerç” represents a significant step towards the dignification of public space and the promotion of local commerce in Sant Antoni.

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