Magnífic Fest 2024: national indie-rock in Lleida

Magnífic Fest 2024: national indie-rock in Lleida

The Les Firetes Fairgrounds in Lleida will become the epicenter of national indie-rock music from June 14 to 16, 2024, with the celebration of Magnífic Fest 2024.

This event promises to be an unforgettable experience, bringing together established and emerging artists in an environment that celebrates cultural diversity and the connection between people and territories.

In its third edition, the festival reinforces its identity with a vibrant program and activities for all audiences, consolidating itself as an essential date in the calendar of summer festivals in Spain.

Magnífic Fest 2024: a first-class musical proposal

The Magnífic Fest 2024 line-up is a true tribute to the best of Spanish indie-rock, with the participation of renowned bands and soloists such as Vetusta Morla, Iván Ferreiro, Suu, La Oreja de Van Gogh, Shinova, Siloé and Elefantes.

These artists, who have left a significant mark on the music scene, promise to deliver memorable performances that will thrill attendees during the three-day festival.

In addition to these big names, the festival will also give space to emerging talents, providing a platform for new voices to connect with the public. This mix of established and emerging artists is one of the hallmarks of Magnific Fest, which is committed to diversity and musical quality in all its editions.

A space for everyone: magnífics en família

One of the highlights of Magnific Fest is its commitment to inclusion and accessibility for all audiences. The last day of the festival, June 16, will be dedicated to families with the “Magnífics en Família” day.

This special day will feature a performance by El Pot Petit with the Black Music Big Bang, creating a festive and welcoming atmosphere where parents and children can enjoy music and activities together.

This initiative highlights the festival’s goal of creating a space where music acts as an intergenerational link, allowing people of all ages to share unforgettable moments in a safe and joyful environment.

Daytime activities and local culture

The Magnífic Fest not only focuses on music, but also aims to energize the culture of Lleida through various daytime activities. During the three days of the festival, a series of proposals will take place in the historic center of Lleida.

These activities seek to rescue the origin of the place and turn its rich history into a contemporary experience, connecting the past with the present in an innovative way.

The festival aims to reactivate the historic center of Lleida, turning it into a cultural hotspot during the days of the event. These activities include guided tours, workshops, exhibitions and live performances.