Montserrat Forners: the cradle of the best peasant bread of Catalonia

Montserrat Forners: the cradle of the best peasant bread of Catalonia

The title of the best “pa de pagès” of Catalonia has been won with merit by Montserrat Forners, located in the Guinardó district of Barcelona at Castillejos, 366. This establishment has become a benchmark when it comes to quality bread and this is not the first time it has obtained this prestigious recognition.

Montserrat Forners already won the award in 2017 and in 2022, she has once again demonstrated her mastery of traditional Catalan baking.

Managed by Miquel Guich, this bakery has stood out in the bakery world for its commitment to quality and tradition. In a competition based on blind tasting, Montserrat Forners managed to outperform her competitors and take home a prize of 2,000 euros.

In addition to being recognized for their “pa de pagès”, in previous years, they also won the award for the best bread of Sant Jordi, another emblematic celebration in Catalonia.

The “pa de pagès” is a gastronomic treasure of Catalonia, a rustic and robust bread that embodies the essence of the region. Marked by a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), this bread is characterized by its long fermentation and baking in refractory hearth ovens, i.e. without direct heat.

Any Catalan knows that the best “pa amb tomàquet” is made with a good slice of peasant bread, which perfectly absorbs the moisture of the tomato and enhances the salty flavors of the sausages.

The contest to determine the best “pa de pagès” in Catalonia, organized by the Protected Geographical Indication, highlights the excellence of Catalan bakery and underlines the importance of preserving local culinary traditions.

Other establishments in Barcelona, such as Forn Pastisseria Gil and Forn Mistral, have also been praised in this competition for their commitment to quality and authenticity in the preparation of farmhouse bread.

Montserrat Forners has once again demonstrated that tradition and dedication can result in the creation of the best “pa de pagès” in Catalonia.

The “pa de pagès” is not only a bread, it is a cultural and intangible heritage of Catalonia. It is an essential element of the Catalan table and is a key ingredient in traditional dishes such as “pa amb tomàquet”.