New road signs to improve pedestrian safety in BCN

New road signs to improve pedestrian safety in BCN

In the course of the year 2023, road signage updates have been brought forward by both the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) and the Ministry of Transport.

These changes have included the incorporation of new elements in some signs, such as the presence of wild boars or electric scooters, as well as modifications in the composition of existing vertical signs.

One of the most notable changes has been the introduction of a new traffic signal in Barcelona, which has already begun to generate debate and challenges in the city.

This new road sign has become visible in the neighborhood of La Sagrera, Barcelona, specifically on the Treball Digne bridge.

The novelty of this signal lies in its purpose: it is intended to regulate both the circulation of cyclists and electric scooter riders and seeks to free up sidewalks to ensure pedestrian safety.

What is the new road signage?

The visually appealing sign clearly indicates that cyclists and scooter users must get off their vehicles on the marked stretch and continue their route on foot.

Although the purpose is clear, the novelty of this regulation has led to many cyclists not complying with the regulation, mainly due to lack of knowledge about its meaning and implications.

The presence of this road sign is a response to previous incidents that have affected pedestrian safety on Barcelona’s sidewalks. In recent months, there have been several accidents and collisions involving cyclists and electric scooter users.

The main concern behind this signage is to ensure pedestrian safety on the streets of Barcelona, at a time when urban mobility is undergoing significant changes.

The growing popularity of vehicles such as electric scooters and bicycles has led to increased interaction between these users and pedestrians, which has generated challenges in terms of safety and coexistence in shared spaces.

The primary objective

It is important to note that these regulations seek to find a balance between the different forms of mobility in cities. On the one hand, the use of sustainable and environmentally friendly means of transportation, such as bicycles and electric scooters, is promoted.

At the same time, however, it is essential to ensure that these modes of transport do not endanger pedestrian safety.

To address this challenge, road signage requiring cyclists and scooter users to dismount from their vehicles in designated areas has been implemented. This will allow pedestrians to have a safe space to walk without the worry of collisions or accidents with slower moving vehicles.