Penalties for municipalities that fail to comply with drought restrictions

Penalties for municipalities that fail to comply with drought restrictions

As of August 7, 2023, Catalonia will be able to start sanctioning municipalities that do not comply with the drought restrictions.

This possibility arises after the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Dogc) has published the call for aid to municipalities to solve water leaks.

The moratorium on sanctions was agreed in May between ERC, PSC and Junts en el Parlament, establishing that sanctions would not be applied until one month after the publication of the call for subsidies.

The grants are aimed at local authorities to solve leaks and carry out improvements and renovations in low water supply networks, as well as to digitize urban water management systems in Catalan municipalities, in the context of the drought.

The call for proposals has a maximum amount of 50 million euros, distributed in different annual installments.

The deadline for submitting grant applications begins on the day following the publication of the resolution in the Dogc and ends on September 29, 2023. Therefore, the one-month period required to begin applying sanctions starts as of this Friday.

Sanctions to City Councils will not be immediate

However, it is important to note that the initiation of sanctions will not be automatic. After one month, administrative procedures will be initiated in case it is necessary to open files.

This process implies that the party involved will have the opportunity to present allegations and that it may take some time before a final and firm resolution is issued.

It is essential to emphasize that these measures and sanctions are applied with the aim of addressing the problem of drought in Catalonia and ensuring a responsible and efficient use of water.

The subsidies offered are intended to support local authorities in solving leaks and improving water supply infrastructures.

In addition, the digitalization of management systems will allow better control and efficiency in the use of this vital resource.

To carry out the procedures corresponding to these subsidies, specific forms have been made available on the Eacat platform.

It is important that the interested entities send the forms telematically through the registration window within the same service. In this way, an efficient and agile process is guaranteed in the management of requests.

The subsidies are aimed at improving water supply infrastructures and promoting the digitalization of management systems in Catalan municipalities.

The purpose of these measures is to promote responsible water use and ensure its availability in a drought context.