Preliminary approval of kiosk regulations, which expands the range of available products

Preliminary approval of kiosk regulations, which expands the range of available productsPreliminary approval of kiosk regulations, expanding the variety of products available. According to the Economy and Finance Commission of the Barcelona City Council, the new set of clauses that support the operation of kiosks located on public roads that sell books, magazines or other periodicals has been approved.

It should be noted that 11 kiosks on the Rambla will not be affected by this new specification, since it has already been conciliated with the sector, after receiving the approval of the Government Commission. It has also had the support of municipal groups of Barcelona en Comú and Junts per Catalunya, the vote against Vox and abstention.

Kiosk regulations: transformation of several clauses

It is a proposal that transforms several clauses of the specifications, which will be submitted to the public information process for 20 days in order to receive allegations and claims, before its final approval.

One of the main changes in this specification is related to the expansion of services and products that can be sold at the kiosks. This would vindicate the sector by ensuring viability.

The sale of publications is also maintained as a specific activity. In other words, kiosks will not be allowed to install furniture or additional spaces beyond those that already exist. Each kiosk must comply with the sectorial and territorial plans in force in each case.

Kiosk regulations: changes to be introduced in the new bidding documents

The main changes introduced in the new specifications include the following:

Modification of product exposure percentages

Until now, 80% of the space had to be used to exhibit books, newspapers, magazines or other periodicals. This decreases to 51% to open up more space for other products.

This is a change that guarantees in any case the majority activity, which continues to be the sale of publications. Maintaining the limitation of 20% in the exhibition of similar products, souvenirs and souvenirs, which will be part of the 49% not dedicated to publications or press.

Possibility to sell new products

This new specification opens the door for kiosks to market products, such as packaged food products and coffee for immediate consumption that do not require handling. This includes water and soft drinks, and excludes the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Restriction of public space

In order to incorporate these new products, the proposal by the municipal government does not clarify that no space, elements or furniture, both internally and in the kiosk environment, may be used for the consumption of unauthorized products. This prevents the installation of bars, tables or chairs for consumption.

Incorporate other activities

In this regulation on kiosks, the possibility of carrying out other activities that had already been previously authorized in September 2022 is formalized with this new specification. These did not require modifications to the specifications, with the installation of ATMs, training panels or last-mesh mailboxes to deliver goods.