Preparations of seven Catalan yacht clubs for the America’s Cup: everything ready for the big event

Preparations of seven Catalan yacht clubs for the America's Cup: everything ready for the big eventThe preparations of seven Catalan yacht clubs for the America’s Cup are ready for the big event. The prelude to the competition, which starts in August, is already announced with the oldest active prize in international sport and promises to tour Catalonia until July 1. It is an edition that aims to exceed 1.5 billion people.

The America’s Cup takes shape with a trophy that is about one meter high and 14 kilos of silver. This is the oldest award known as the Auld Mug that is still contested internationally. And, it is ready to become the desire of the America’s Cup teams.

Seven Catalan yacht clubs before the start of the regatta

This Cup was first awarded in 1851, and over the years many winners of the competition have received it. It should be noted that there are seven Catalan yacht clubs before the regatta starts in August.

This trophy will be touring several coastal municipalities, taking into account the model and the wake of the Olympic torch. The aim is to bring its history closer to the public and the competition. It should be noted that the Trophy Tour starts in L’Escala and moves to Palamós. Then it will be the turn of Vilassar de Mar, Tarragona and Cambrils, Sitges, before returning to Barcelona on July 1.

Trophy accompanied by the hand of the CEO of America’s Cup Event

Last week at CASA SEAT the trophy that is originally known as the 100 Guineas Jug had a previous stop. This trophy was received by Ignasi Prieto, Cupra’s chief Brand officer. Accompanied by America’s Cup Event CEO Grant Dalton, who indicated that this edition of the America’s Cup is expected to register a much larger audience than it has in the 173 years of the competition.

Welcome to the Auld Mug

Each of the seven Catalan yacht clubs where the trophy will be presented will welcome the Auld Mug through different activities. This program includes proposals on and off the water, as well as a sailing exhibition that is adapted in L’Escala and different training regattas inspired by the America’s Cup.

It should be noted that this tour of the trophy, which is scheduled in conjunction with the Generalitat and local yacht clubs, will allow the competition engines to warm up.

This cup designed in 1848 by a London royal goldsmith, Edmund Cotterill. And it was donated by its original owner for the competition that began in 1851, giving rise to the regatta. After the victory of the schooner America, it gave the competition its name, and the cup went to the winners and went to New York.