Smoking banned in cars, terraces and stadiums: Tobacco Law 2022

.Smoking banned in cars, terraces and sports stadiums: Tobacco Law 2022

With the aim of achieving a 30% reduction in the number of smokers in Spain by 2025, the Tobacco Law will be reformed to ban smoking on terraces, beaches, private cars and sports stadiums.

The reform of the Tobacco Law in 2022 is being advanced by the Ministry of Health. It aims to extend smoking restrictions to smokers in order to promote public health.

The final text is expected to be approved by Congress before the end of 2022.

Initially, the ban was intended to apply to any vehicle, but the final draft only includes cars where pregnant women and minors are traveling.

With respect to outdoor spaces, the text of the regulation seeks that in those places with a large number of people, smoking is also prohibited. The law would cover tennis, soccer and athletic stadiums, as well as bullrings and spaces near public buildings.

Tobacco Law 2022 as part of a Comprehensive Plan

The new Law will be one of the most effective mechanisms of the Comprehensive Plan for Smoking Prevention and Control 2022-2025. The draft so far aims to meet five goals. One of them is to achieve the target set by the World Health Organization of reducing the number of smokers in Spain to 30%.

The Comprehensive Plan will also seek to tackle hidden advertising and promotions in social networks by tobacco companies.

The new tobacco law will also implement plain packaging of tobacco in Spain and the EU.