Summer brings back cockroach, mosquito and rodent infestations

Summer brings back cockroach, mosquito and rodent infestations

Cockroaches are a common pest in Barcelona and other areas of Catalonia, especially during the warmer months.

These insects require exhaustive maintenance and control to prevent their proliferation once they have been eliminated.

Although their main activity tends to be nocturnal, an increase in their presence during the day has been observed recently, indicating that the pest is more widespread than previously thought.

Cockroaches can be found in the streets, stores, establishments and even in our own homes.

They tend to appear and cluster in bathrooms, the kitchen (due to food residues), or hide behind appliances, in pipes or under the sink.

Cockroaches in the city

In Barcelona, three species of cockroaches are regularly found: the German cockroach (Blatella germánica), the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) and the Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis).

The German cockroach is the most common, yellowish in color, between 13 and 15 millimeters in length and unable to fly.

They tend to move quickly from one point of infestation to other areas and floors. On the other hand, the American cockroach is larger, up to 50 mm in length, reddish-brown in color and capable of flight.

Although they do not usually inhabit homes, they can be found in places where food is available.

Finally, the oriental cockroach is brown almost black in color, measures between 20 and 35 millimeters in length and is also flightless. It usually lives in sewers.

To avoid the presence of cockroaches in our homes, it is essential to maintain good cleanliness and order.

It is important to control damp, dark and warm areas of the house, as they are prone to infestation by these insects.

Avoiding leaving food leftovers in the kitchen or on the floor, sealing pet food and properly storing opened food in airtight containers or in the refrigerator are effective preventive measures.

In addition, it is recommended to keep household appliances clean and to control their environment, since they generate heat and humidity, conditions favorable for cockroaches. Sealing suspicious holes in walls can also prevent insects from hiding in them.

Preventing pests with cleaning measures

To keep the house as clean as possible, it is necessary to regularly empty garbage cans, avoid sources of moisture such as leaking pipes or refrigerator condensation, and wash dishes immediately after meals to prevent cockroaches from accessing the waste.

To avoid a cockroach infestation it is essential to maintain good hygiene, order and control of areas prone to infestation.

Adopting preventive measures in the kitchen, sealing food, cleaning appliances, among other ways to avoid pests.